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A member registered Oct 15, 2019

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Theres a problem with the upload, cant be played in browser

If ya tested it and cant recreate the freezes then it could have been something on my end. I did enjoy it none the less

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I think I posted my comment like an hour or 2 before Mofu posted the update, I downloaded this, played for 2-3 hours, then commented, seems like the update was either posted in those 2-3 hours or soon after I commented

I experienced a few bugs in this. When fighting Cynthia, if she knocked me back with the ground pound while i was firing the sword beam (horrible timing, i know) I would then no longer be able to move and she wouldnt be able to hit me anymore. In the same battle I found that if i killed Cynthia towards when she was at the end of her charged explosion but hadnt slammed down her hammer yet, she would get stuck in the exhausted state and i would no longer be able to do anything.

Not bad, wish it had a gallery and the game froze on me a few times seemingly at random, had to restart whenever it did

yeah idk, i cant figure it out either, they just kill the minions way too fast

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Cant get the game to run, i get to the click anywhere part and cant continue

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Its better to loss

Can't wait for ch2